
Conceptual Design Piece

The first project I want to show is my very first design project ever. For this project we were assigned a concept statement to model our design project off of.  The concept statement I was given was “the feeling of agitation when traveling to a new place.” The old worn out Converse are the metaphor for traveling to new places. The location of the photo is a metaphor as well because intersections are used every day while traveling to different places. The shoes and the sign convey a sense of irony and agitation because the sign is telling you that in order to move you have to push the button, but there is nothing in the photo with the ability to push the button in the photo. Also, the blur of the cars in the intersection shows chaos, and leaves us with a stressful feeling. In my photo I decided to put the filter on the restaurant’s name because I thought blurring out the letters gave a sense of unknown.


Mainstreet Documentary

The second project that I wanted to show you guys is my Mainstreet Documentary. All throughout my Junior year, I was struggling balancing being in both Freestyle Academy as well as Mainstreet Singers at Los Altos High School. I found myself in a tough situation because I was passionate about singing as well as passionate about the things we were doing at freestyle. So this project is very special to me because I got to combine both of my passions into one thing.


Another project that I want to show is my senior surrealism project. This project was a lot of fun for me to make because I got full creativity to create whatever I wanted to make. However, although it was exciting not having a set project guidelines, this was also challenging for me as I struggled with deciding what to make.