

“How can you find, explore, and/or expand your passion?”

For the Explorations project, all junior Freestyle students will explore his/her own passion and improve upon a particular skill set that addresses 21st century skills. For this Project, I chose to improve on my film skills. Specifically, how to film one shot scenes. I chose this subject because it’s a very powerful tool to use in films and can be a really fun way to spice up your scene.

Explorations Process

The process in creating my explorations project had a few steps. First, I would plan out an idea that I would present to my fellow classmates. This was a pretty difficult part as there was so much to learn about and honing in on one topic was difficult. But eventually I found my way. Then came the research phase, I would research all about one shot scenes.

After I finished my research I would start to develop my slideshow presentation in which I would use to present my idea. The slideshow had to be concise, but also attractive to the audience. I spent some time working on making it look presentable and including all the necessary information.

Final Product

Once I was well informed on my subject and had my slides presentation ready to go, it was time to demonstrate what I had learned through a video of my own. For this production, I had two actors practice a chase scene around our campus. We ran through it quite a few times, and I found out this was harder than I thought. The premiere pro editing process really only consisted of adding music since this type of shot is all in one. But in the end, I finished with this video:

It was quite a rough project, but I’m grateful for the learning experience and even plan to further develop this skill next year and use it in future films.

Music Production

The music project was a project I was very excited for. We would either select a song or record your own in our new recording studio. Me and my friends decided on covering a song called Two Princes. We would always play this song at freestyle, so why not record it there too. Here was the Pro Tools editing process after finishing all the recordings:

After the final touches here is the recording:

Artist Statement: This project was a very fun and great experience. Me and my friends are almost always in the recording studio during freestyle flex periods to go and play music. One of our favorite songs to play recently was Two Princes. So we decided to give it a try and actually record it. I valued learning to record in this project and also how difficult the process can actually be. i feel I expanded my musical knowledge if maybe that is something I’d want to do in the future.

Lyrical Essay

The lyrical essay was a way to further expand our poetic skills through a writing style of our choice. This essay would include Chicago style and poetic devices to come together as one cohesive essay. For this, I first had to plan our my idea. I first started with the ocean. I later honed in on waves. I wanted to connect the memory of Grad Night and your high school experience to the waves and the moon. Here was my final product: