Brother’s POV

My younger sister is so annoying. She always wants me to play her stupid games with her. Now that it’s snowing, she keeps trying to get me to go outside with her. I’d much rather stay in and not freeze.

Today, she asked me again to go outside and I said no. I didn’t know what she was expecting, but she was still unhappy with me. When she went outside, I started playing video games. I didn’t hear from her for a while, which was strange, since she was always lingering about.

I heard the door creak open half an hour later. I was still playing video games. It was a really hard level, so I didn’t see her come in, but I heard her footsteps. She was really quiet, and I knew she was up to something, but then the game’s difficulty increased so I turned all my attention onto it. After I beat the level, my friend called me. A little while later, I heard her footsteps and the door shut again. I was still on the phone.

When I hung up, I started walking to my room, then saw that some of my clothes were on the floor in a trail leading up to my dresser. At first I was mad, because she knows that it’s not okay to go through my stuff. Then, I got curious and walked to the window. I saw her playing with a snowman she made and my clothes were on him. She was throwing snowballs at it from a distance, but they kept falling short because she was too far. I laughed-- it was a cute sight.

The weather was starting to warm up, though, and I knew the snowman wouldn’t last for long. She would be really sad when that happened. I remembered that I got a gift from a secret santa last christmas-- a snowman in a snowglobe-- and realized that it would be perfect for her.

I went to my room, got some wrapping paper and a ribbon, then wrapped it nicely. I put my snow clothes on and went outside, and saw that the snowman was melting and she was sad. I tapped her on the shoulder and she turned, surprised. I held out the gift and she took it, unwrapping it right in front of me. She then looked up and, to my surprise, she gave me a hug. I couldn’t even remember the last time we hugged. Then, I took her hand and we went to go play in what remained of the snow.