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Welcome to my project 4 experimental website! On this final site of my first year at Freestyle, you will find a song, an animation, some poetry, and my Design project.


I created my song in Reason using only three instruments and four chords. It's about 2 minutes long, and quite monotonous. You can hear it as well as see a part of my Reason session if you click on the "Music" tab to the left.


We had to animate one of the poems we wrote in English. I chose a longer one called "Lunch at Leboulanger." It is about a bread bowl. Yes, a bread bowl. You can watch mine if you click on the "Animation" tab.


For English this unit, we read and wrote poetry. I learned through this unit that I am not a great poet, but also that creating meaning in a poem can be as simple as stringing together some deep-sounding words and pretending you know what they symbolise. You can read my six poems under the "Poetry" tab.


Finally, for Design this unit, we chose our own project to convey a feeling. Mine is a large piece that includes food dye and a glass hand. If that intrigues you (or if you were going to do it already), then click on my "Art" tab to learn more and to see a picture of the project in all its glory.

The newest thing that we had to do this unit was create a song. I chose to make mine in Reason, an electronic synthesizer program. I decided to not get too ambitious due to time constraints. My song is a decently short and simplistic one based on four chords. My inspirations for this song are the bands Ratatat and The Postal Service.



Here is a part of my Reason session:


reason session

My Flash animation is of my poem "Lunch at Leboulanger." I had less than two weeks to finish this, so it is not perfect. Using Flash for the second time was far easier than the first. I recorded my voice in Pro Tools and found some sound effects online, and made my graphics in Illustrator.


Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.

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In the Experimental unit, we wrote poems for English. The requirements were to have around 125 lines of poetry, as well as five elements across the poems (more than one element can apply to each poem). These were: one between 3-5 lines, one told from speaker other than yourself, one narrative poem, one with consistent meter, and one with a recognizable stanzaic structure. I ended up writing six poems. This unit was very difficult for me because I am not used to writing poetry. While I do not like many of my poems, I do like "Lunch at LeBoulanger," which I also chose to animate in Flash.


You can click on any of my poem previews below to read the full poem:


house fireLunch at LeboulangermapsOutsideTo the dead beeWhat Keeps Me Up

For Design this unit, we made works of experimental art to illustrate a feeling. I chose to base mine on the feeling I get when I see pictures of space and realize how everything I do that I think means something in reality means nothing. To create this feeling, I took a fishtank and filled it half way with with dyed dark water, sprinkled it with glitter to represent stars, and glued a glass hand on the inside. I then created a top part which holds a smaller tank of green water, which drips down into the hand and then off into the water. I installed a light to highlight the hand, and added black paper to the back to further represent space.


design project