Photo Blog #52-Self-Portrait
Photo Blog #52-Self-Portrait

Photo Blog #52-Self-Portrait

Photo Info: Aperture: 5.6, Shutter Speed: 1/32, White Balance: Sunny, ISO: 400

“Use your tripod and the DSLR timer and make a creative pose on how you think others see you.”-What?! How others see me?? I have no idea, how am I supposed to know that, I don’t read people’s minds!!…yeah this one frustrated me a lot. Honestly I didn’t really like any of the pictures I took: if I put too much effort in it, it was obvious I was trying too hard, and if I put too little effort in, then it didn’t make any sense. So I asked my mom for help, and while we scrolled through all the pictures she kept making very non-committal answers and had a face of a stoic fish. We finally chose this one, but I really don’t understand why, but I’m gonna forget about it and never look at it again.