Photo Blog #54-Future
Photo Blog #54-Future

Photo Blog #54-Future

Original Photo Info: Aperture: 11, Shutter Speed: 1/195, ISO: 800, White Balance: Shade

The future is scary. I know that I will face many things that will terrify me, and may change me deeply. But for every scary part in there, there will be a moment of pride or happiness or inspiration that I will also have. The duality of the two is what keeps me going, what allows me to look forward.

This photo is actually of the sky through a puddle, and it has been flipped vertically in Photoshop. While changing the colors and lightness of it, I flipped it out of curiosity and liked how it looked a lot more. The weird foreground (that was actually the background in the original picture) makes it look a little bit strange and dream-like, not real.