About this podcast

I chose to make my podcast about the 2020 – 2021 NFL playoff games. I did this project with one of my friends who is also at freestyle, and we decided to module our podcast off of a youtube channel that we both like. However, we created our own unique take of the events during the playoffs.

Podcaster Bio

My name is Toby and my partners name is Akshur. We are both students at Los Altos High school and Freestyle academy. We are big fans of football and we were excited for the NFL playoffs this year so we decided to create our podcast about our interests.

Introduction Section

We are doing this podcast project to learn a new and powerful way of communicating that is growing more and more popular. The goal of this project was to create a podcast with content that is interesting to you, and to edit it in after affects to add special sound affects and music. We lightly modeled this podcast after a YouTube called U tree that makes content about a lot of sports and has made plenty of videos about the NFL playoffs. We took inspiration from his videos but we created out own original script and content.


This photo shows the end result after I added in all of the audio files including the orginial audio, the music, and some special sound effects.

This image shows the levels of the tracks, we did the audio of us talking on the top, we put the background music on the bottom, and then we put all of the other sound effects in the middle.


To be honest when I first heard we had to make a podcast in English I was like “ughh” I thought it would be really stupid. However, I ended up having a good time putting this podcast together. The main things I enjoyed were being able to work with a partner and being able to choose a topic that I enjoyed writing about. It was an especially difficult project for me because I am not comfortable with recording my voice, I always think my voice sounds like I’m 10. I know everybody hates their voice when recorded but it was hard for me to project my message through my voice. Editing in after effects helped, but if I had to give advice to someone about to start this project, I would say to not even listen to the recording of your own voice.