

To break this down. The goal of the documentary project was to research a topic that was interesting to us. So, I chose to research doodling. And the reason why I chose this topic was I wanted to keep the topic simple so that the project will become easy. However, that idea did the complete opposite. Because doodling is such a simple topic This was the hardest project I have ever completed in my life. But at the same time. It was also the most rewarding project I have ever done. I have lead so much with this project.

Intro Vid


The Design part of the book is the most exciting part of the project. What you are looking at right now is the cover of the book for my documentary. I tried to make the cover have a very festive look to it. Also adding the usual “S” i’ve seen in middle school. I want to add contrast to the title. I also wanted to add some elements like tape to make the book feel like it’s from a notebook.


For the introduction for the interview. The main goal was to get each and every person opinion about doodling. Thank to the I got a lot of information.

Josh tracy

Josh tracy is my uncle . is a family therapies who happens to doodle when he was a kid. He does not doodle much today. But doodling did help

Abby Stucker

Doralice Fadda


This was a project that was assigned by digital media. The goal of the project was to make either a real or a fake flyer. I chose a fake flyer.

Photography & Graphic design