About Me

Hello! My name is Urna Bajracharya. I grew up in Kathmandu, Nepal and immigrated to USA in 2009.

While I have always been passionate about visual art, joining has Freestyle has allowed me to translate fine arts skills into digital artwork.  

I have enjoyed learning tools such as Animate CC, Photoshop, Illustrator, Maya, After Effects, and InDesign. I am very grateful towards Freestyle Academy for the opportunities for providing the tools, technical, and communication skills to pursue Digital Arts. 

Through the interdisciplinary curriculum, I have discovered that creation and research intertwine. My inspiration comes from musicians and contemporary and fine artists. During my free time, I like to garden, paint, and workout in my free time. I also want to learn more about our society and implement it through art and action.


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Recent work

18 x 18”
Ink pen, colored pencil
8 x 4.5 ’’
Ballpoint and Photoshop
9 x 12” 
Mixed Media (Marker, Ink, Photoshop)
6” x 4’’
Ink pen on paint chip cards
Mixed Media on cloth, for Juana Briones Exhibit
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