
This project was a different experience from normal English , It was very free and you could choose whatever topic and you had to find the reaserch subject in real life.

Animated Interview

Animating the interview was intresting because the animation brought more light to what my subject was saying made me look deeper at it.

Profile documentry

William O’Shaughnessy 

Mr, Greco

English III

15 Mar 2024

  Slicing through Life

As the knife sliced through the tender roast beef, the chime of the front door echoed through the loud grocery store. It was Ms. Napolitano, her presence as unexpected as the sudden ring. She approached with a knowing smile, her eyes dancing with mischief. “Hey, it’s Brian, the funny guy,” she quipped, her tone laced with playful mockery. Brian winced embarrassingly, the memory from two months ago of the Fairfield University that I stupidly flunked out of the previous week.But this teasing wouldn’t linger for long. Fate had other plans. My mother, ever the advocate, secured an interview for me with the stern-faced officer of admissions at Merrimack College.. We talked—about dreams, about redemption, about second chances. And then he uttered the words that would alter the course of my life: “If you can achieve all A’s this semester, you’ll have a place here. From that moment, everything shifted. The library became my sanctuary, its hushed aisles witnessing my transformation. Late nights blurred into early mornings as I grappled with textbooks and equations. The challenges were relentless, but so was my determination. I no longer had the luxury of mediocrity; my future hung in delicate balance.

Brian O’Shaughnessy, a hard-working husband and father from Massachusetts who worked and sacrificed for his place in the world and eventually, he made it to Silicon Valley . But hard work didn’t always come easy for him. We see in this story the turning point that forced Mr O’Shaughnessy to be the best man he could be.. Through setbacks, sacrifices, and unexpected encounters, O’Shaughnessy’s story to success in the tech industry, challenging conventional paths to success 

Mr. O’Shaughnessy is a fighting man who grew up in a place where many people went to college and on to higher education. But it was also a place that swallowed those that did not. But they never achieved what he did. Most people he knows from Reading, Massachusetts never pursued higher education. Even though he was unfocused in high school getting all C’s. He didn’t end his education that way and he even ended up at NYU for his post grad degree.

From his turning point at the deli counter, he not only changed his mentality for school but he realigned his whole mindset also changed in the way that he works, for what he achieves and how he fights to achieve his goals. He built up grit and passion for whatever he is doing. If you met Mr. O’Shaughnessy you would know there was something behind him.  He presented himself in a very confident way and this aura he has is very visible you can tell he has stories of wins but more importantly, the losses he endured along the way.

He met his now wife on an elevator and the second thing he said to her was “You’re lazy” after she couldn’t tell him the time because she forgot to replace her watch battery. Little did he know that he would get off at a lower floor and she would get off at one of the top floors where she worked with the boss. His confidence came from his past ambition to win, But he couldn’t always back it up. So he worked and learned to check himself, treat others as he wanted to be treated and as Mr. and Mrs. O’Shaughnessy grew together. Eventually, they got married. Mr. O’Shaughnessy worked hard so he could treat his wife to many things. When they thought it was the right time they had Three kids each two years apart and Ms. O’Shaughnessy’s career started a new job as a full-time mom. Mr. O’Shaughnessy handled the finances and took his family to California then Luxembourg then back to California. 

Mr. O’Shaughnessy sacrificed time with his kids to travel and support his family. He worked hard every day and built up a solid background working at large tech companies like Google, Skype, eBay, Microsoft, etc. Among his professional highlights, he also helped launch Android, Chrome, and YouTube and was on the management team overseeing the acquisition of Skype by Microsoft. After having this experience he started his own company which had offices in NYC, Washington, D.C. Los Angeles and San Francisco, hundreds of clients including Sesame Street, Slack, Comcast and did multiple 8-figure years. 

He was a C student who didn’t take high school seriously at all and ended up being a multi-millionaire. Am I saying don’t take education seriously, No. I’m saying, Brian O’Shaughnessy is living proof of this, don’t let any one thing define who you are. Anybody can be anything and it just takes determination grit and passion for whatever path you are going down. Of course, there is always a little luck involved but you have to play to win and you have to set yourself up with the best odds. 

“I had to work twice as hard to prove myself, but I never lost sight of my goals.”  

Brian O’Shaughnessy
