For the people that don't want to read here is an mp3 of me reading my story





Ring , Ring, Ring, "Hello" I said still writing my English paper.
"Hi, it's gramps I need you to drive me to the hospital?" Gramps said slowly.
"I would do it but I would have to take my licence first" I said now paying more attention.
"When can you get it?"
"Give me a day" I said quickly.
"Ok bye" I hung up.
"When are you going to take the test?" Frank said still looking at the video game.
"Technically I am still taking the test" I said turning around
"Huh?" said Frank now leaning to one side playing the video game.
"I got Shawn from English to take it for me."
"Why would he do that you barley know him" Frank said now loosing interest of the TV
"I payed him and I gave him my ID and social security number so he can take the test for me." I said leaning back feeling smart.
"That sounds like identity theft" Frank said looking at me funny
"What is that?" I said confused
"Its when the use you social security number. Then make a credit card that they will charge you for it" Frank explained  how how could I've been so stupid I fell for it I didn't even get his phone number and I am all ready in dept I can afford to have my identity stolen. Frank turned back to his video game.
"Frank let me borrow your keys" I said standing up.
"Sure, if you can find them" Frank said grinning still playing the video game. I looked around my dorm was a mess their was textbooks laying around crumpled pieces of paper on the floor and nacho stains on the caplet. I hadn't had a chance to clean up in while. I started to pick stuff off the floor looking for some thing shinny. 
"Where was the last place you saw them?" I said checking the closet.
"I don't know maybe around here" Frank said not paying much attention. I searched the couch and then I found it under the couch. I raced to Franks car as quickly as I could. It was a tiny car parked in the sun. The keys fumbled as I tired to find the key for the car, I riped the door open and jumped inside the car. I strapped my self in the seat and floored the gas petal quickly dogging the side of the gate but I still drove over the side walk. I stooped at a red light it was one a clock that is when my meeting started I could make it if there was a long line at the DMV GREEN I slammed the petal as soon as I saw it I drove even faster now there was a light up ahead it turned yellow I drove even faster.
Made It but I was forced to stop at a red light.
"Dam!" I yelled I glared at the light waiting the sun burning the back of my neck. Hands griping the steering wheel then I looked back and started sweating there was cop behind me. The light turned green. I turned carefully not to make a mistake. The cop followed. I drove slower looking back every 30 seconds to check if the cop was still there. Eventually the cop turned and I sped up to get to the DMV. I saw Shawn standing out side. I parked the car and stared to run toward Shawn, Shawn turned around just in time for me to tackle him down.
"What are you doing!" Shawn said on the floor covering his face.
'Where is my ID!" I said wrestling with Frank to keep him in the ground.
"Here, Here it is" Shawn said giving him the card. I snatched it angrily before realizing that it was his licence then stopped wrestling regretfully.
"What was that for" Shawn said angrily
"I did what you wanted me to do." Shawn said standing up
"I sorry" I looked at him embarrassed
"I thought you where going to steal my identity"
"What made you think that" My mind went blank
"I sorry, Ok" I said not knowing what to say.
"Your crazy" Frank turned away discussed.
    I looked at my licence guilty and decided to do the right thing. So I waked in with dignity in intact and integrity restored.