Freestyle gave me time and training to accelerate my creative growth. My time spent practicing on HTML, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and Indesign has given me valuable skills for the real world. Due to my goal for having a well-paying job and contributing to the good of humanity, I will spend the next few years of my life studying to become a Mechanical Engineer. From the experiences I already have, I know that the skills I learned in Freestyle will be valuable throughout my life.

This website was for fun. It's designed to look similar to the rear end of my car. Unfortunately I was unable to find a way to implement powersliding into an HTML website.


3 Photo Experimental.

In this project we summed up our experience in Freestyle by taking three pictures around the Freestyle campus and putting them together to create a new image.

The fence, wall, and camera's grip unite the image with their straight lines. I am used to seeing these items every day, so I've grown quite familiar with them. It was interesting to find the art in objects that I've come to accept as a daily sight.