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2009 Copyright © Jozza Millano. All rights reserved



Tiffany was the girl who was always stuck between her parents decision. Growing up she was never able to choose between the two. When she was young, her parents decided to divorce. and left Tiffany the choice she needs to make for herself, or better yet her future life. She once faced the shining sun during the day and asked, “How could I pick between the two who brighten my day?” One night alone looking up the stars in the sky she says to the moon, “I do not know how to choose between the two people I love absolutely the same, never less but always more every day and night.” She chose to split her life and live it to the fullest into two different worlds. Most of the time she’s happy, at times she feels pain but every day she wonders….. "If? Just what if her life with the two important people is once again called family."
In this Illustration, I traced over the sun and the moon combined but lies in different sides. This represents her with her decision, and because she loves both she knows in her heart that either way she ends up it will be bright just like the sun during the day and the moon up in the night sky. Both sun and moon have their own personal strength and weaknesses, they still help each other shine absolutely the same. This indicates that both parents love Tiffany. There is also two different paths and it's either she goes left or right but again, either way, the little mini Tiffany explains the condition she will be in once she steps out those paths. The little silhouettes of Tiffany on both sides are pure white and for many of us, as we already know, white represents peace. There’s nothing better than not having to pick any sides at all but determining to move forward and straight together. Tiffany still hopes for this day, if only, just what if, everything stayed the way they were when things were still as perfect as it looks.


Split right in the middle