Narrative 2.0

The bulk of our WebAudio class focused in on our animation and learning how to utilize PHP coding. For our animation we used Adobe After Effects to create 3d enviroments for our character in our Narrative to act in. We used the script and storyboarding of our narrative we wrote and drew in English class for this animation. Animating is no easy job, not even when using basic shapes and textures for our characters and area. 1 minute of animating is the equivalent of 10 or more hours of my time. If you go for something more complicated that what I did then that number would be around 30 hours for one minute.

While designing my website I wanted to make it look it is a website created after my animation. I did this by creating a little graphic of a character from my animation and put that on every page. I also took the color scheme from my animation, at it used a lot of bright primary colors.

Here is my animation below! It was a lot of work! I started out with pretty basic knowledge of how to manipulate objects in After Effects but as I completed each scene I learned more and more. I learned about how to "pre-compose" objects. This means I animated the objects in a different composition and then I took that animation and imported it into my scene. This way I didn't have to animate everying in the same scene; it makes everything much more effcient. I also learned about lighting, cameras, shadows, and 3d objects. Lighting allows you to give a 3d object realistic lighting and then cameras allow you to move a camera around a 3d enviroment. When using lighting you can alow give the objects shadows that are relative to how the light shines on them. Overall I did enjoy learning from this experience, and I actually think the end product is farily good. All the designs of my characters are essentially lifted from the designs I did for my book jacket. Although I had to do side views of my characters which I had to draw during the production of my animation. I also had to create parks landscapes and an alley way for this animation, which I didn't have drawn before hand. I made sure to make that all the designs went with the color scheme and childish, fun feel of my concept.


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