Copyright 2008 ©KalynN. All Rights Reserved.

The following shortstory accompanies the animation, and was written by Amanda Nesmith.

      They slowly crept out from behind the corners of the house of mirrors. The only sound that could be heard was there feet squeaking against the old wooden floor. The moon shone brightly in the sky highlighting the frame of the rides. In the distance the squeaky noises of wood could be heard as the wind whistled through it. The ferris wheel slowly began to move up and down as the wind began to pick up. Small quiet mouse like voices could be heard around the corner from them. Neither one of them could speak. It sounded like two people yet when they turned the corner nothing was there. The amusement park was dark and mystical much different than it was the day before. They began to walk around the park taking slow small steps fearing that they would be heard. As they began to walk they took out a map and looked for the place. According to the map the ride was all the way across the park. Which was a long way to walk in the dark at night.

      As they made it to the corner they slowed their pace down. They began to creep slowly up to the ride's entrances. They slowly walked inside to the tunnel which led to the ride. They looked at the letter one more time before finally deciding to go inside. When they made it through the tunnel nobody was there. They looked all around them. The roller coaster went up into the sky as it made quiet whistleling noises. The trees all around them began to rusle and sway from the wind. Yet nobody came out. They were all alone as predicted. The girl took a look back at the letter. The words on the page made no sense. Nobody was was there when the letter said they would be. The girl and the boy slowly turned around and made there way out of the tunnel. Just as they almost make it through they heard small noises from behind them. They quickly turned around yet only trees and the roller coaster was behind them. They continued to walk and they heard the voices again. Yet nobody was there again when they turned around. They decided it was best to just keep walking back to the entrance of the amusement park.

      As they started to walk back to the entrance the girl had a feeling that someone was following them. Yet whenever either of them turned around nobody was there. It was as if they just dissapeared into the night. They finally made it to the entrance and they started to walk out to their car. But just as they walked through the doors and hand grabbed the girls and she let out a blood curdeling scream. The boy looked at the letter one more time and realized that it had been correct. He realized they should have never stayed in park because of the letter. But it was too late for them to leave now.

Sticky Note