
And here lies the artistic real-life photo representation of the main character in the movie, Wallace. Click below to go inside the directors head and see what he meant to portray in the animated film, Wallace.

For this portrait, we lerned in design class how to operate a DSLR camera and edit the photos in photoshop. For my photo in particular, I had to make most of the background myself, as there was only a small strip of curtain and a whole lot of room.

The character of mine that I took a picture of is wallace, a guinea pig recon agent for the US military. He has a bad habit of getting distracted by chocolate and other sweets, which is the moment I tried to capture. He is being distracted at the worst possible time, a time when he has just dropped his camera directly in front of a british mafia power figure.

I tried to match all of the colors in the picture, which I believe I did well. The chocolate wrapper matches his clothes, and the knife with the background. My model did a very good job posing a stupid, distracted looking face, which is how I imagine wallace to look as this happens.


Click thumbnail to see Portrait