Modern Convenience

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This week, we told a story of a modern convenience we can’t live without. I chose to represent electricity, since it’s one of the harder modern conveniences to live without. Without electricity, it would mean no lights, no heat, no microwave, no desktop computers, and worst of all, no WiFi! My neighborhood occasionally shuts off different amenities for repairs or construction. If they shut off water, we are able to prepare by filling up buckets and water bottles, and we’re fine all day. But when they shut off electricity, it’s a lot harder to go about your normal daily life without missing electricity.

For this photo, I chose a more abstract look to represent electricity. I took this photo during the night using long exposure settings, and it’s actually a photo of car lights as they pass by. I like this photo because it looks like how I imagine electricity would look if we could see it: ribbons connecting the world around us, bursts of light that bring power and modern convenience.