Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Nelson: A Senior Mandala by Katelyn Bernardo (2019)

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Nelson taught me that patience is a virtue.

The process of creating this mandala was very time-consuming, yet rewarding. It got frustrating at times because it would load for about 10 seconds for every stroke that I made. Additionally, I'm not really a "doodler", for when I doodle, I draw the same flower over and over again. Thus, for this project, it was interesting to see where my creativity could take me. I'm surprised I was able to come up with as many patterns as I did– I was honestly expecting my mandala to just be a huge flower. But alas, despite all of the obstacles (both technological and creative) I met along the way, I finished it. Not only did I finish it, I killed it. Yes, I am actually proud of the fruit of my hard labor. I'm glad that I spent hours of my weekend painstakingly crafting every single stroke and detail because in the end, this mandala became a beautiful, intricate piece of art to gaze upon– a testament to the saying, "Patience is a virtue." I mean, even if one doesn't like it as much as I do, they can at least say with conviction, "It's aight." Related website
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