Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Mandala: A Senior Mandala by Makeda Yezalaleul (2019)

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When creating my mandalas, I valued precision and intricacy. While most of the details on my mandalas were small, I learned to appreciate the time and effort put into making the whole piece come together. I did not wish to convey a specified message in the art. However, I wanted to portray repetition and variety in both my black & white and colored mandala. I did this by using similar brushes throughout the mandala and changing the direction of my strokes.

For my colored mandala, I chose the colors I did because I wanted to depict a happy and bright collage of various illustrations and stroke patterns. What I valued most when creating my mandalas was the creative freedom given unto me and my work because I continued to challenge my design capabilities whenever I thought my mandala was completed. Related website
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