Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Mandala in a Notebook: A Senior Black and White Mandala Design by Jeremy Hahn (2019)

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What was the point of the mandala project? Well, I guess if I were to sum it up in one word, it would be expression. More specifically personal expression. With little restrictions on the contents of the mandala, the only real rules of the project were to one: make it a mandala, and two: make it unapologetically you. I seriously appreciated how independent this project was. Free reign meant a lot of experimentation and creativity, which made the project really fun. I started mine out just making some doodles. However after a good amount of time into it, I felt it might be cool to try to make it look like a teenager’s doodle covered notebook. So I added some math equations and “work” here and there to give it a notebook kinda feel. At the end of it all, I’m proud of my work, and I do believe it represents me. Related website
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