Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Letting Go: A Senior Black and White Mandala Design by Jordan Sharkey (2019)

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When Mr. Flo told us that we were going to create mandalas in Digital Media class, I was so excited because I knew that even though I was not an amazing drawer, I could still make something beautiful and unique through the amazing features of Adobe Illustrator. Not only was I excited to make digital mandalas, but I was even more excited to learn that we would be printing our mandalas onto a material of our choice. I choice thin wood. Throughout the process of creating my mandala, I really tried to get out of my head and just let my hands draw. I tried not to think about what I was doing and instead just let my personality appear on the screen. Throughout the project, I really valued the artistic freedom we were given to create the mandala that we wanted to create and I really valued the resources that were given to us because we would not have made a beautiful end product without them. Finally, I valued the way I learned to let go and get out of my head when creating something that showcased who I am as an artist and as a person. Related website
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