Freestyle Academy proudly presents

What goes around comes around: A Senior Black and White Mandala Design by Katherine Sun (2019)

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I really enjoyed the process of creating the mandalas. I had complete creative freedom over how I wanted to go about--no prompt, no themes. It was a project where I could spend time de-stressing from my hectic schedule of homework and college apps. Just taking a moment to zone in on drawing was relaxing and fun for me because I don’t get the opportunity to draw as much as I’d like with school starting.Making a mandala was unlike any other artwork I’ve created. It’s an interesting process to watch each brushstroke you make become duplicated to make a symmetrical work of art. Seeing the mandala build and build with each stroke was satisfying and pretty. I learned a lot about navigating Adobe Illustrator too, and I see myself putting to use the skills I learned in the future. Related website
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