Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Mandala: A Senior Black and White Mandala Design by Mezi Iroaga (2019)

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Through the process of making my mandalas, I learned a lot about both the emotional and the artistic sides of producing the art. Emotionally, it was very relaxing once I realized that instead of being a very difficult, hard and intricate drawing process, it was very simple and straightforward. By using the software to copy over a small space of art over the whole piece made the art quicker to complete, and also very relaxing. Instead of having to worry about copying the art 20 times, I was able to make one stroke appear over the whole art piece. In addition to being relaxing and simple, making the mandala taught me about the artistic viewpoints that a person can have when making it. I learned that while a person can use soft strokes, they can also use hard cut lines and shapes to make a different feel. In addition, someone may also use certain images or even words to make up the mandala, and I learned that even drawing the most random lines and shapes can still look very nice in the end. Related website
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