Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Turbulent Thoughts: A Senior Black and White Mandala Design by Sean Li (2019)

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The mandala project gave me a unique opportunity to express myself and what it is like to be me. Life is turbulent, which is what I wanted to convey in my mandala through its extensive designs towards the center of the mandala. However, I also wanted to convey that life is also beautiful and serene. I achieve this as you move farther from the center, there is more white space. Additionally, within the outer edges are some of my many hobbies that are connected to my theme of turbidity and serenity. Life can be wild and rough, but it can also be calm and graceful and you need to embrace both aspects of that. This mandala project also gave me the chance to really look at myself. To fully convey myself, I had to ponder what I believed in, what I thought of myself, and what I believe to be myself. It was an amazing experience that taught me how to take pride in my work and to be patient and introspective. Related website
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