Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Peace: A Senior Black and White Mandala Design by Yankun Zhang (2019)

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It was a good experience when creating the mandala. It made me realize how just a small piece can make up a beautiful, glorious wholeness through symmetry. Also, I think that how it reflects personal values----you piece together a person through tiny separated pieces. It is my first time using Adobe Illustrator, I felt like a baby bird who just has broken its eggshell. Maybe that is why I left a blank space in the center of my mandala. I started from the center but also started with knowing nothing about Illustrator. It was fun to learn how to use brushes tools during creation. Besides, I valued the sense of relaxation and freedom during the creation because it didn’t limit my creativity. Mandala relieved my stress and anxiety and it was so satisfying to create a picture by symmetry. Related website
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