Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Percieve: A Senior Black and White Mandala Design by Atenea Duenas (2019)

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A mandala is a geometric figure which uses repeating patterns and designs in a sort of circular shape. This project asked for us students to create a mandala that would describe us, and represent who we are. I chose to make more simple shapes on the outside to show I seem sort of plain on the outside, while more complicated designs and patterns on the inside to demonstrate my more complicated personality.

I then decided to make my mandala include a lot of arrows and lines. At the very center, I tried to make a shape resembling an eye with an iris and pupil, and around it I attempted added perspective to make it look like it was at the bottom of a pit. I added more complicated designs on the inner circles since I feel like I am a reserved person, and I keep a lot of my thoughts to myself, even though I would like to share them, which is why I have a few triangles pointing outwards. Outside the solid line is arrows and lines pointing inwards to represent me keeping my thoughts to myself. There is a sort of wavy line and dots to symbolize my uncertainty with most things, and more triangles pointing inwards. The sharpness of the shapes that look like spikes is supposed to show my attempts to reach out, along with ovals to show me trying to be friendly, but darkness representing my general coolness on the outside, with a sliver of white to show I try to be approachable. There is a final line all around the outside to demonstrate my independence from most, and to bring the art together in one cohesive piece.

What I valued in producing this project was how I was able to express myself in a creative and interesting way. It is somewhat mesmerizing what with all the patterns, and I enjoyed trying out different shapes to see what sort of feel it was able to give. It is therapeutic, in a way, and it is surprisingly simple, since it is mostly just art on one slice repeating itself over and over, and overall, it was nice to try mandala drawing for the first time. Related website
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