Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Nature of Mandala: A Senior Black and White Mandala Design by Bija Haxhicani (2019)

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When creating my mandalas, my appreciation for patience really broadened. I learned to understand and value every little detail in my illustration. While this did take quite some time, that is where patience came in support of allowing myself to continue and not try to simplify things for myself. Once you listen to the right music, get in the right mindset, then creating mandalas becomes a process of you expressing yourself through various patterns and the overall artwork. Getting in the zone allowed myself to destress from the constant chaos of my life and be present. This was a nice project to learn more of the intricacies of the Adobe Illustrator application and to create something where we had a lot of creative freedom to really make these mandalas our own. Because of the creative freedom we had, I was able to incorporate my own style into the artwork and create a mandala that reflected a lot of various patterns of naturalistic and mellow scenes. Related website
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