Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Dressing Up: A Junior Creature by Alayna Lee (2021)

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In my story, "Dressing Up," the main character, Kit, goes through a day of school trying her best to express her true self. Trying to build up her confidence, Kit decides to wear different clothes to school and gets noticed by a classmate. Out of fear of embarrassment, Kit goes to the bathroom to collect her thoughts and calm herself down. She spends a while in the bathroom trying to make a decision of whether she should change clothes or not. The other classmate, Elsie, meets her in the bathroom and sends her positive messages; changing Kit's perspective on what she should do in this situation.

For this project, I used Adobe Illustrator to create my creature and its background. The creature itself consists of a combination of five different animals to represent Kit's personality: a deer for peace, a turtle for wisdom, a butterfly for charm, a sparrow for intelligence, and a shark for assertiveness. Once I thought over my animal choices, I found references for each animal part, created a color palette, and started working on the actual project. After multiple weeks of editing and revising, I was able to successfully create my final creature and moved onto the background right afterward. I ended up deciding on a monologous theme and created the bathroom to relate back to the situation in my story. This process did not take that long; changing the monologous palette from purple to green and fixing up the gradients in the backdrop as well. After finishing up final touches on lighting and small details, the project was finished. Related website
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