Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Goal: A Junior Creature by Lleyton Brouwer (2021)

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The story I wrote which inspired this Narrative Creature assignment is called "Goal", and it is about a young boy who dreams of being a professional soccer player. The opening shows him practicing soccer on a rainy field with a makeshift goal. His humble beginnings are contrasted with his dream of becoming a professional, and he has a vision of himself scoring a goal.

For my Narrative Creature, I used images from the internet to model the different body parts of my creature. I used Adobe Illustrator to draw each body part, and group them all together into a creature. The five body parts I used were: the head of a bald eagle, to represent ambition; the tail of a beaver, to represent work ethic; the wings of a fly/beetle, to show the character's tendency to be caught up in his own world; the mouth of a crocodile, to represent focus; and the shell of a hermit crab, to represent resourcefulness. I also used Illustrator for my background, which was on the top of a building, with some birds and other tall buildings in the background. For my creature, this background makes sense because of the wings, it would make sense for the creature to be very high up - for my story, it is mainly to show that he is feeling like he is on top of the world, but also the buildings and birds in the back are there to say that there is always something higher to work towards. I used one point linear perspective for my background because I wanted all lines to lead into my subject, which was my creature. I had to redo my layout of both body parts and background a few times, mostly for sizing issues. I am definitely pleased with my work! Related website
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