Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Cross: A Junior Creature by Miranda Hernandez (2021)

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My short story, "Cross" follows Anne-Marguerite's moment of revelation. Born into a family of professional con artists, she must choose between following through with her family's initiation practice and be the perfect daughter, or risk the consequences of defiance. In this piece Anne-Marguerite has turned her back on her family.

To create this piece, our class was instructed to search for various reference images and determine our color pallets to create a combined creature reflecting our character's own traits. On Illustrator, I assembled parts of a cat, boa constructor, firefly, angelfish, and raven traits which reflect boldness, secrecy, charm, serenity, and unpredictability. After I outlined my creature. I set the location on a different planet in 2 point perspective to illustrate the physical alienation Anne-Marguerite experiences whilst exhibiting the promise of a peaceful future. As the first large-scale piece on Illustrator I was excited to experiment with architecture. I struggled most with creating the stairs, even more so on aligning the structures with the perspective. Concerning future projects I now know the importance in saving changes. Lack of doing so I realize stunted my progress on multiple occasions. It is something I will not repeat. Nonetheless, I enjoyed and am overall content with my piece in Illustrator! Related website
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