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Survival of the Fittest: A Junior Creature by Owen Peterson (2021)

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This scene is based on a short story that I wrote called Gone. Gone is about a man named Charlie who lived in the woods alone all of his life since his parents abandoned him, and he had major issues with connecting with people. However, a lost man named John stumbled into Charlie's cabin one day and was saved by him, staying in his cabin until he was back to health. We learn that John was trying to hitchhike across Alaska and was dropped off in the middle of nowhere on the side of a highway. When Charlie was out hunting for food a few days after John had shown up, John stole a bunch of Charlie's things and left, leaving Charlie to die.

The creature in this scene is a Praying Rholphurtelird, a combination of a praying mantis because of its strength, a rhino because of its independence, a dolphin because of how adventurous they are, a turtle because of its persistence, and a bird because birds are caring like Charlie. As for the background, I put him alone in the middle of the woods with a space scene behind him to show the independence. The use of linear perspective can be seen in the highway that is on the bottom left, representing the highway that John got abandoned from in the story. One issue in the initial scene was how centered the highway and creature were. I fixed this by moving the highway and changing the angle of it to point toward the creature, but not stab into it, and I and very happy with how everything turned out. Related website
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