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Trainwreck: A Junior Creature by Anjali Kamran (2021)

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The short story that I was inspired to write in my English class, explores a glimpse into an important moment in the main character, Tina's, life. It all starts when she almost misses her train from London to Paris, where she will visit her mother for the first time after her father's funeral. In an unexpected stroke of good luck, a young man by the name of Liam, helps her onto the train. As she is expressing her thanks to the kind stranger, she sees much of her father in him and gets lost in the memories she has of them together. Liam, once again comes to her aid as he comforts her with his experience with death, through the loss of his mother. The two strangers who cross paths for only a short train ride form a bond through their shared losses and help each other through their own griefs.

Using Adobe Illustrator I was able to express my protagonist's character. With the body of a koala, she is seen as soft-spoken, the wings of an atlas moth represents her uniqueness, the seahorse tail representing her independence, turtle feet to show her patience, and lastly the quail beak to embody her kindness. Creating the creature wasn't difficult, but I was pushed to use my creativity to incorporate details for it to look right, and I would like to continue to work on that in the future. In the beginning when I first saw my creature I was skeptical, but when I added it to the background it fit so well. For the background, I created the train compartment using two point perspective. It was difficult to create the booths, specifically the shadow details on the seats. I really enjoyed creating the background and exploring linear perspective. Related website
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