Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Tudorfly's Journey: A Junior Creature by Jina Hwang (2021)

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Tudorfly's Midnight Journey is a story about Tudorfly, a mythical creature who got tired of her old life in Talphinia and decided to explore a new world, Gardilia. However, after spending time there, she realizes that Gardilia isn't the place for her. She begins to miss the sea, her family, and dear friends that she had left behind. At the end of the story, she decides to return to Talphinia with a changed heart, learning to appreciate the big and small things that made up her life. In this scene, Tudorfly is traveling late through the night using only the moonlight to guide her back home as she realized the mistake she had made when leaving.

When creating my illustration, I used my color palette and photos of each animal as a starting point to make my creature and background. By using many different layers and tools like the pen, brush, and gradient, I was able to add details and make a more realistic illustration. I included a mix of strong, fierce, and intelligent creatures for Turdorfly to match her strong-willed and adventurous personality. To balance the image, make it look natural, and not obscure significant features from the background like the moon, I placed my character on the right side. I also used trees, a pathway, and fence to show my use of a one-point perspective; objects became smaller and closer to the vanishing point as they got further away, bringing more depth. I struggled initially on where to place my character; but, after removing some trees and creating space, she fit into my environment very well. I am very pleased with how my illustrations turned out. I was scared that my character and background would not look cohesive but the color palettes helped pull it together! If I could change anything, I would add more trees and forestry to make the background look fuller. Related website
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