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Freestyle Academy proudly presents

De Bellis Gallicis: A Senior 3D Layered Art Project by Sarah Rashed (2021)

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My inspiration for my light box was the Bluestone cafe's logo. I passed by the cafe on a walk and thought the logo would make a good design, so I focused on making a project that revolved around royalty. At first, my illustration looked quite plain since it was just a crown, and I wasn't sure what to add to make it more interesting. I ended up using a diamond-star as a key symbol and had them dangling all throughout the light box. I also made the background a map of an ancient city since the aristocracy is a symbol of society and the riches of land. I took a picture from google for that part that had a similar diamond/star symbol to the one I had been using and traced it for the background. The main issues I encountered on this project were planning and visualizing. I am not amazing at drawing, so I ended up going straight to Illustrator to brainstorm, which worked fine, but visualizing how the layers would work was quite hard digitally. I ended up scrapping a few layers from the project when it got printed since they made the piece look quite busy and they blocked a significant amount of light from the LEDs.

I really enjoyed getting to use Illustrator more, since it's one of my favorite apps to use. I didn't do much experimenting with new tools or drawing techniques, as the illustrating was pretty standard. I did focus a lot of on filling in my illustrations as I went along so I could better visualize which parts would be cut out and which parts would stay paper. My favorite part was getting to use After Effects with motion graphics and 3D. I already had experience with both, so editing wasn't too difficult. The difficult part was layering the illustrations for the 3D video since the parts that were paper had to be filled in. I couldn't just hit fill, as the illustration was inverted, so I had to go into each individual layer and fix that. Overall, I enjoyed getting more practice with Illustrator and After Effects, as well as getting to experiment with 3D art. Related website
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