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Product Logo and Label: A Senior Design Student Product Package by Hrisha Bhatt (2021)

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If I were to create a magazine ad for my product, I would likely use bandwagon as my persuasive technique. Inclining the consumer to buy this product will be done best through sharing the positive experiences of others and making them feel as though they are lacking significant benefits to their daily lives. By using this technique, it will implement the usage of pathos as my appeal. It will evoke the feeling of self-pity and encourage someone to invest in the brand.

The day the project was assigned, I brainstormed names for my brand and I struggled with coming up with an idea for several of the titles. The foundation of my project was built on a simple idea to sell coffee to students. When I came up with "Grind Time," I immediately knew that I wanted to illustrate the word "grind." I looked for pictures of various coffee grinders and found an antique grinder that portrayed the illustration I perceived in my mind. Using Adobe Illustrator, there were several techniques I could have used to design my logo, but the gradient mesh tool allowed me to capture the highlight and shadows of the piece. Related website
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