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Product Logo and Label: A Senior Design Student Product Package by Joshua Ichiriu (2021)

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We weren’t able to do the magazine project, but I imagine that I would have used symbolism, ethos, and pathos to create my magazine.

I initially really struggled creating my label. I had many ideas that didn’t fit well together, such as green leaves wrapping the iceberg or giant mountains in the background of the iceberg. My idea was to have an iceberg with the name Iceberg in front, to the side have my tagline, "water for the soul", and have a water bottle in the back. I also thought it would be fun to include some hikers climbing up the side of the iceberg. For the fonts, I went to to find ice related fonts and chose ones that fit my logo and label. I used a blue and white color scheme to emphasize the water that is being sold. Overall, the project was difficult and demanding but I learned a lot from this process and how to create an advertisement to the best of my ability. Related website
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