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Product Logo and Label: A Senior Design Student Product Package by Lauren Haragan (2021)

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My product is Cosmilk, a caffeinated milk that hopefully will become a substitute for energy drinks. I am marketing this product to people who are young and would describe themselves as "in need of energy". These people are more likely to be young adults and teenagers. As a result my demographic is people in their teens and through their twenties, so essentially young adults.

If I were doing a magazine advertisement I would use the bandwagon approach since teenagers and young adults care the most about "fitting in" and looking cool. I would also use Ethos to make the characters in the advertisement show how "cool" Cosmilk is. Since the milk also comes in a glass jar they can also be "cool" by showing they care about the environment, and if they return the bottle to the store then they can get some money back.

In creating my logo/label I created many different sketches to start, then it all completely changed because I thought my logo symbol would be a mini milk carton but when i did a sketch with a comet I liked it so much more so it became the center of my logo. In the process it was suggested that my design was too formal so I slanted the top and bottom boxes to make it more fun and less rigid. The font was also super hard to find, it wasn’t until Ms. P sent me a link to a website with space themed fonts that I was able to find the one that matched my logo design best. I also initially struggled with making my outlines in order to use live paint in Illustrator. I missed part of the instructions but after going over it again I knew what I needed to fix. Related website
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