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Product Logo and Label: A Senior Design Student Product Package by Louie Sabio (2021)

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The product I created was an ice cream logo and label for cookies and cream ice cream. More specifically, I created the logo and label for quarts of ice cream found in grocery stores. On my logo/label I have a penguin holding an ice cream cone as the main subject. My market is essentially anyone who likes ice cream, but the design I created tailors more towards younger kids.

If I were to make a magazine article I would use pathos because it has been most effective with selling other ice cream products. The persuasive techniques I would use would be claim and positive transfer because I feel they would work well with my use of pathos.

To create my logo/label I went with the idea of using an animal as my main subject, which was important because initially I didn’t have a clear idea for what my logo should be. After creating my penguin, I then added smaller details such as the hat and the cone. After finalizing the basis of my penguin, I used the gradient tool to add slight shadows. As far as the background I added subtle elements using colors from my color scheme. I used a light blue, but left some white space to create a "cold" feeling. In addition, I added a beige circle with some gradient to emphasize my penguin. Lastly, I used the text wrap tool to write my product name. I had the product name wrap around my penguin which helped the whole label look unified. Related website
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