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Product Logo and Label: A Senior Design Student Product Package by Oliver Camp (2021)

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If I was to market this product in a magazine article, I would use exclusivity. It would make it seem like only the best of the best can eat these chips. It would be appealing for people who want to be in the 1% of spicy chip eaters. I would also use ETHOS to sway the consumers emotionally, instead of logically or ethically.

To create this label, I used Adobe Illustrator. The most challenging part about it was coming up with a compelling name. I had trouble with finding a unique name that would make sense and not corny. I eventually landed upon a raging relative because I thought it was funny and creative. It gives a child-like and comfortable feel to the product. I enjoyed making the color scheme. I chose reds, oranges, and yellows primarily because it matches with the spicy theme. I also added a light green which I think blends well with the rest of the colors. Another challenge I had was with the logo. Another challenge was making the logo. After making the name, I was stumped and didn’t know how I could make a logo that represented it well. I eventually landed upon just drawing a "raging relative" who has fire coming out of their mouth because of how spicy the chips are. Related website
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