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Product Logo and Label: A Senior Design Student Product Package by Ellie Schwarz (2021)

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My product is a pomegranate/spirulina oat yogurt intended for parents with children looking for a healthy substitute, or those with dietary restrictions to dairy as well as those who chose not to eat it. While pomegranate flavoring is self explanatory, Spirulina is less universal. Spirulina is a blue powder which is considered a superfood that serves as a potent source of nutrients. I wanted to incorporate a food product in which a variety of diets can indulge in, which is why I based the yogurt off oat rather than fermented cow or goat milk.

With the use of Ethos, I could exhibit the benefits to dairy free yogurt by showcasing credible sources in relation to ethical health. In addition, Plain Folks would appeal to an emotional emphasis that all parents should feed and want what's best for their children similarly to how everyone and anyone should be eating what is best for their body while still enjoying their choice in food.

The slogan, "Yo&Go" entails anyone, no matter what busy lifestyle one retains, can eat my product. Moreover, I thought of myself rushing out of my home on a school morning without a thought dedicated to my need for food, resulting in poor eating habits and hunger. Producing a quick and easy product ensuring quality for well-being was important, as I assume many can relate to my struggle. I had to be reminded my audience needed clarification of the product. While I know my product, I have to assure my customers of quality by specifying components such as weight and flavor. To conclude, creating Dana was the ultimate introduction to marketing and branding, and I hope to continue in the future. Related website
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