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Product Logo and Label: A Senior Design Student Product Package by Haley Grant (2021)

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My product is an orange and vanilla scented perfume. It is directed towards all ages and is affordable but still medium end. It is a fresh rejuvenating and natural scent for women. This perfume is different from a standard classy high end perfume. It is something that appeals to people who like natural scents and possibly get stressed often or have anxiety. As well, it is natural showing the fresh fruit and vanilla flower as well as bean on the label to make it more pleasing to the eye as well as more convincing of how natural and pure and simple it is.

I am appealing mostly to pathos, as the perfume releases an aura of calmness when you need it, which is why a smaller spray bottle that you can carry with you everywhere is perfect! The two main advertising methods I would use are scientific language and transfer. I would use the scientific language to reinforce how citrus scent has been shown to reduce stress in aromatherapy, furthering the appeal that the perfume will reduce and relieve anxiety. I would use transfer to deliver positive messages as well as beautiful images of nature and fruit, including using my slogan, "This perfume will help you feel awake and refreshed!"

I faced many challenges in the creation of my label experimenting with different textures and layouts for the words. I hand drew the oranges and vanilla flower as well as beans and then transferred it to Illustrator by placing it as a black and white logo and used the live paint tool to fill in my colors and then added texture to the orange and leaves. For the flower and the beans I used the paintbrush tool to add texture. Related website
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