Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Out of Time: A Senior Design Students: Movie Poster by Ash Prodromou (2021)

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My film, "Out of Time", is a time-travel heist movie set across time and space. Frankie is a down-on-her-luck pickpocket who stumbles into an elite group of time-traveling gentlemen thieves. Together, they travel through time to con the world's greatest minds and deepest pockets, despite growing tensions in the group and the threat of permanently changing history for the worse. I wanted to write a heist movie inspired by the Ocean’s 11 trilogy, but with a different twist on the genre that creates a unique style and helps the movie to stand out. The poster doesn’t depict a specific scene from the movie, but I wanted to display the power and control that Frankie steps into when she joins the secret society: she’s smoking a cigarette expelling smoke with the heads of famous opulent historical figures. I also wanted this to be a visual representation of the dangerous, yet enticing world that she finds herself being drawn into. For my Zenith project, I plan on writing a full script for this movie, so I wanted to create a clear theme just from the poster.

I mostly used Photoshop to create my poster, with an emphasis on solid color blended layers and a burnt orange color palette. I blended in images of the historical figures from their time periods in order to create a sense of dissonance between the different illustrations and photographs. It was suggested that I use brown font for both my credits block and the various logos, which I think ties in really well with the rest of the poster, where black font would stand out and clash with the rest of the color scheme. I wanted to emulate a femme fatale with the painted red nails holding a cigarette on the bottom of the poster, something very reminiscent of the heist and espionage thriller movies I want to emulate. I chose the Iowan Old Style font for my tagline since it has a vintage, yet timeless feel. Finally, since Ocean’s 11 was distributed by Warner Brothers, I used their logo at the bottom above the PG-13 rating. Related website
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