Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Dumpster Dive: A Senior Design Students: Movie Poster by Hrisha Bhatt (2021)

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My movie is about an undiagnosed mentally ill man turned serial killer. It is a horror film that goes inside the history of this man and how every instance of his past is reflected in his murders. It starts with an eerie scene panning multiple dead bodies in the alleyway behind the neighborhood high school. A boy and his friend stumble upon the bodies early in the morning on their way to football practice. Two were laid out on the cement with their arms crossed over their chest, and one had an arm hanging out of the dumpster. All were shot once in the head. The boys were so invested in the truth behind this murder, and one of the boys father being a police officer helped gain some insight. The movie goes on through the perspective of the boys and what they are doing to help solve this case. They start to find various clues about the murderer that can help them uncover their identity. He is a homeless man, he is remorseful, he is mentally ill, he is a war veteran, and he does not want to be killing. By breaking into the crime scenes and tailing the police in an unrecognizable car, they were able to follow the police investigation while searching for clues of their own. At the end of the movie they find the killer in action on the third floor of an abandoned parking garage. A gun was pointed at the son of the police officer when the authorities showed up to arrest him.

As I was working on this movie poster, I was bouncing between applications from start to finish. Initially, I uploaded a stock image of an alleyway with dumpsters onto Photoshop to edit the brightness of the image. Then, I opened it in Adobe Illustrator and turned it into a low fidelity photo. I sketched out an arm using the pen tool and placed it as if it was hanging out of the dumpster. I found a reference photo in order to capture the lighting and I added pieces to match the low fidelity pattern. I opened a photo of crime scene tape on a different Illustrator document and made it a low fidelity photo. Then I opened it in Photoshop and cut out the excess part of the image and placed the tape all the way down the poster. Related website
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