Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Art Demolition: A Senior Design Students: Movie Poster by Izzi Boustead (2021)

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In the movie that I came up with, Isidore and Leia are two struggling artists who move into a very old apartment building in Portland, only to find out that it's inhabited with ghosts from all throughout the history of the building and the area. At first, they don't get along with these ghosts, but eventually they become closer with some of them and build a friendship. When the building is purchased by a development firm to demolish and rebuild into a modern office building, Isidore, Leia, and the ghosts have to team up to save their home. For the poster, I decided to illustrate the main characters and the ghosts in the apartment.

I created my poster predominantly in Photoshop, starting with a pencil sketch that I did and painted over it digitally. I used a stock photo of antique wallpaper and the warp tool to make wallpaper that fit the walls of the room which is in the poster. I also added screen layers with scanned paper textures to add noise and texture to the poster. I also set up my credits block by inserting my own names and information. In Illustrator, I added my title in the font Ohno Blazeface, adjusting the type settings to make it fit well and look appealing. I then used the warp mesh tool to change the shape of the letters and make them fit the poster better. Related website
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