Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Remote: A Senior Design Students: Movie Poster by Joshua Ichiriu (2021)

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In my story, the two astronauts are on a regular mission to the space station but during their flight, their space shuttle breaks down. People at home lose hope in the mission and stop the search for the astronauts. The astronauts, without electricity and a functional space shuttle, are forced to fly in orbit around the earth and try to gain contact with the space station and stay alive. The one friend back at Earth hasn't given up on the mission, every day looking for ways to locate the two astronauts. While in space, the astronauts witness events such as meteor showers and comets, and during this time, the friend on earth manages to locate the space shuttle, eventually bringing it back to earth with help from the government.

I was inspired by movie posters such as The Astronaut and The Search to create my design. To create my illustration, I used Adobe Illustrator to draw my pieces and Photoshop to edit the photograph. I started by using the stock photo website to find an image of space, which I then edited and created into a drawing using Illustrator’s image trace function. I then added stars and planets to create a vibrant, building off of my color scheme and design. After, I created the space capsule, creating many pieces and shapes to put together a capsule, which is connected to the astronaut I draw by rope. Finally, I added the name of the movie, Remote, to polish off the poster with a gradient to blend the letters in with the background. To add effects, I used gradients on some of the planets to add the texture of sunlight reflecting off certain sides. I also wanted to add some fun design elements such as flags, which I added onto the moon and onto the astronaut. This project taught me how I could reflect my ideas into graphic art through a combination of Illustrator and Photoshop. Related website
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