Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Pepper: A Senior Design Students: Movie Poster by Juan Zepezauer (2021)

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Pepper is a Wes Anderson-style inspired mystery, about the unusual disappearance of peppers from an old farm hidden deep in the mountains. A detective shows up and, after investigating much further it’s eventually discovered to be tied in with a mysterious government conspiracy. Why do the peppers keep disappearing? Is someone stealing them? Who would steal peppers? Why is the government involved? Why is there a movie about this? I don’t know but it seems like something weird you’d see in a Wes Anderson movie, right?

For this project I used Adobe Illustrator to create all of the designs. Vector art really compliments the style of the planimetric compositions you see in a Wes Anderson movie, so I thought it would be perfect for this project. I think the first thing I started with was the color scheme, It just really stood out to me as perfect for a sort of mystery story, from there I just kind of played around with ideas until I eventually put together the finished product. I actually didn’t really have any sort of story until after I had finished making the poster. In fact I think I originally intended for the farmhouse behind the mysterious figure to be a bakery of some kind, but later decided the rest of the atmosphere around it didn't really fit with that idea. I really like how the fog turned out, I paid special attention to making sure the placement of the various clouds felt balanced and only obstructed enough to make the scene feel mysterious and not cluttered. Related website
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