Freestyle Academy proudly presents

We Weren't Supposed to be Heroes: A Senior Design Students: Movie Poster by Lauren Haragan (2021)

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"We Weren’t Supposed to be Heroes" came from my experience as an essential worker. I work in a grocery store bagging groceries and other menial labor. In "Heroes'' Lauren, Kelly, Brian and Julia all work together at Draeger's Market. While older customers lament the loss of their youth, summer approaches and it’s almost time for the four friends to part ways and head off to college. Instead a spur of the moment road trip begins where the four friends learn that wherever they go from here at least they had fun on the way.

To create my poster I used Photoshop to layer the two images that I took with my camera. I revealed parts of one by using a vector mask and brushing with white to reveal the background. Then I added some adjustment layers to make the composited image look less like a photo and more like art. I also added in a Gaussian blur to focus the poster around the doorway in the middle and make the overall detail less overwhelming for the viewer. Getting the exact pictures I needed for the poster proved to be somewhat difficult because I could not find any substitutes for what I needed on a stock website. As a result I had a friend take the pictures for me while I was in them. I used my friends as stand-ins for my coworkers since they were all out of town when I needed the pictures done. Related website
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