Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Superficial: A Senior Design Students: Movie Poster by Louie Sabio (2021)

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My movie poster is based on a story in the cyberpunk genre. My movie is based in a dystopian city very far in the future. My main characters consist of two detectives that are given the task of dealing with a gang that commits many of the crimes in the city. The two detectives consist of a detective on its first day, and a veteran that is showing him the ropes. However, as the day progresses, the rookie slowly finds clues that allude to a relationship between his mentor and the gang. He attempts to collect more info from within the city and eventually confronts his mentor about the issue. The rookie’s confrontation proves to be unsuccessful, mostly because he had little to no help. He eventually manages to get the rest of the police department to back him up and ultimately shut down his mentor and the gang he was affiliated with.

I created my movie poster primarily in Adobe Illustrator. During this production I was able to use new techniques that proved to be very helpful during the production of my poster. One of these techniques was the use of image tracing in Illustrator. This technique gave me the ability to find a visually appealing background online, and convert it into a Illustrator image. This technique was probably the most helpful because it gave me a very solid foundation to work off of. In addition to image tracing, I used the pen tool to manipulate the image to take out parts of the background I didn’t like and add my own elements (stars, moon, buildings, sky). These elements also had effects such as gradients and blurs to make them blend in more. My main characters were also made with a pen tool which I used to trace a stock image that I found. Related website
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