Freestyle Academy proudly presents

Free Falling: A Senior Design Students: Movie Poster by Marie Godderis (2021)

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"Free Falling" is a children’s fiction motion picture film. The story is about two children who are in a plane that is soon to crash, however, rather than falling down the sky, the children are magically gravitated up into deep space. Like magnets, the children repel and float apart. However, when they land above an undiscovered planet, they are brought back together and go on adventures, obstacles, and discover magical things. This movie is a cinematic, positive, and uplifting story.

This movie poster was created using Adobe Illustrator. To create the children floating in the sky, I began with using the pen tool to construct the outline, and used the paintbrush tool to fill it in and add softer edges. Using the shape builder tool, I created the globe below them. With a watercolor paint brush, I layered strokes to create the purple mountaintop. I created duplicates and used gradients to give it a mixed gradient effect. I added the poster border using the paintbrush tool and used a watercolor brush to create the textured line effect. Related website
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