Freestyle Academy proudly presents

The Abomination: A Senior Design Students: Movie Poster by Soren Robinson (2021)

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This poster is based off of a fictional story I created. The main character is a scientist on Mars that gets mutated into a half human-half alien through one of his experiments with extraterrestrials. He is physically changed into this imposing monster, but keeps the human brain and memories. He is then labeled as a threat and outcast to life on Mars. With the inability to speak, the "abomination" is challenged to adapt to all of his physical changes, environmental changes, while the human colony tries to hunt him. This poster showcases all of the different parts of the abomination while still hinting back at the human roots with some of its human features.

I created this poster in Photoshop. Originally, I had planned to use compositional techniques to create the creature and scene out of only pictures that had been spliced together. This was shut down, as I wasn’t able to get the photos that I needed, so I decided to do a mix of painting and compositing. This technique is commonly referred to as photobashing. I used a Wacom tablet and stylus as my paintbrush to bring everything together. I used this project as a way to push my abilities in Photoshop, and I believe I was pretty successful as what I was trying to accomplish. Related website
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